Here's an implementation in LaTeX / Tikz:
\begin{figure}[h!] \centering \begin{tikzpicture} % Luminosity axis \draw (0, 0) -- (0, 11.5); % Luminosity axis labels \foreach \y in {0, 1, ..., 11} { \newcount\l \l\y\relax \advance \l by -5\relax % Shift the ticks down a little \draw (0, \y-0.03333) node {---}; % Display 10^0 as 1 \ifnum\l = 0 \draw (-0.6, \y) node {1}; \else \draw (-0.6, \y) node {$10^{\the\l}$}; \fi } % Luminosity arrow \draw [->] (-1.3, 3) -- +(0, 6); % Luminosity label \draw (-1.8, 6) node [rotate=90] {Luminosity [$L_{\odot}$]}; % Temperature axis \draw (0, 0) -- (12.5, 0); % Spectral class and temperature labels \foreach \x/\s/\t in {0/O/47000, 2/B/0, 4/A/10000,
6/F/0, 8/G/6000, 10/K/0, 12/M/3000} { % Tick \draw (\x, 0) node {$|$}; % Draw the spectral class \draw (\x, -0.4) node {\s}; % Only show the temperature if valid (not 0) \ifnum\t > 0 \draw (\x, -0.9) node {\t}; \fi } % Spectral class and temperature axis arrow \draw [->] (9, -1.5) -- (3, -1.5); % Spectral class and temperature label \draw (6, -2) node {Spectral class and temperature [K]}; % Instability strip \draw [fill=gray, gray] (2.5, 1) -- (3, 1) -- (8, 9) -- (6, 9) -- (2.5, 1); % Instability strip label \draw [<-, thick] (4, 3.3) -- +(1, 0) node [right] {Instability Strip}; % Main Sequence strip \draw [line width=0.7cm, yellow] (0.5, 11) .. controls (2, 4) and (10, 6) .. (12, 0.5); % Main sequence label \draw [<-, thick] (3.5, 6.5) -- +(0, 2) node [above] {Main Sequence}; % Sun \draw [fill=red, red] (6.8, 5) circle [radius=3pt] node [right, black] {\, Sun}; % Supergiants \draw [fill=red, red] (7, 10) circle [x radius=2.5cm, y radius=0.75cm]; % Supergiants label \draw [<-, thick] (8, 10) -- +(2, 0) node [right] {\, Supergiants}; % Giants \draw [fill=orange, orange] (8.5, 7) circle [rotate=10, x radius=2.5cm, y radius=0.75cm]; % Giants label \draw [<-, thick] (9.5, 7) -- +(0, -1.5) node [below] {\, Giants}; % White dwarfs \draw [fill=cyan, cyan] (2.5, 2.5) circle [rotate=-45, x radius=2.5cm, y radius=0.75cm]; % White dwarfs label \draw [<-, thick] (2, 3) -- +(0, 2) node [above] {\, White Dwarfs}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{figure}
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